Rydberg Quantum Computer Demonstrator
The QRydDemo project aims to built a quantum computer based on neutral atoms trapped in arrays of optical tweezers. Such arrays can be naturally scaled up to a large amount of atoms, each forming a qubit that can be addressed and read out individually. The quantum computer QRydDemo aims to achieve control over up to 500 atomic qubits.
Building blocks for error correction on Rydberg quantum processors
We are part of the consortium Muni-QC-Atoms, coordinated by the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Munich. The project combines the long-standing expertise of the consortium’s research members in the field of ultracold atom control with the expertise of industrial partners in the fields of photonics and laser development. The goal of the alliance is the joint development of a quantum processor based on neutral atoms with up to 400 qubits encoded in the Strontium level structure.
European Infrastructure for Rydberg Quantum Computing
To develop the next generation of fully programmable and scalable quantum computing systems based on ultracold Rydberg atoms, the EuRyQa consortium brings together four complementary European Rydberg platforms. In this way, the consortium aims to provide a unique European solution for Rydberg-based quantum computing, together with the first pan-European benchmarking and standardization of the technology.