About Us
Welcome to the research group in theoretical physics of Prof. H.P. Büchler. We study quantum many-body systems realized with cold atomic and molecular gases as well as photons interacting with matter.
Our Team
We are a strong team of PhD students, postdocs, and master/bachelor students with common enthusiasm for addressing hard and challenging problems in theoretical physics. While our research involves a lot of collaboration with experimental groups, we also share the fascination for fundamental questions in quantum physics. We are always happy to welcome new and enthusiastic theoretical physicists to our group, who are motivated to explore new challenges.
- ERC Consolidator Grant
Strongly interacting Rydberg slow light polaritons - FET-PROACT RySQ
Rydberg Quantum Simulator
German Science Foundation (DFG)
- Research Unit FOR 2247
From few to many-body physics with dipolar quantum gases - Collaborative Research Project SFB TRR 21
Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter
Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology
- Alliance for Quantum Innovation
Quantum Electric Dipole Matter